属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-地理工程 前景广阔
1 | ||1:转向这类真实实验模式是有它的争议点。||2:有人担心,以粗浅的方法任意操纵大气层,弊会大于利。||3:此外,地理工程即使奏效,功效也不会持久。||4:则学家--克利韦?汉密尔顿在会议中对地理工程研究背后的理念提出批评,指政治家可能借暂缓措施,推迟制定有难度的持久性对策。认为地理工程或对环境影响微不足道,但对人们的思考模式却有更深层及无法控制的影响。 | ||1: This move to a practical project has proved controversial. ||2: Some people worry that tinkering deliberately with the atmosphere may cause more harm than good. ||3: Others fear that if geoengineering is shown to work it will, by offering a palliative for the problem of global warming, let politicians put off difficult decisions that might lead to a permanent solution. ||4: As Clive Hamilton, a philosopher critical of much of the thinking behind geoengineering research, pointed out to the meeting, though the environmental effects of such experiments may be nugatory, their effects on the way people think could be more profound, and much less easily contained. | |
2 | 印度变得越来越富,乡下人和国家经济的联系越来越紧密。||农村借贷机构马辛德拉 & 马辛德拉金融服务的总经理拉梅什?伊艾现在有200万名客户,这一数量是他在2008年的客户数量的两倍,"当他们在产业链上向上移动的时候,信贷的需求就随之增加"他说道,"他们现在雄心勃勃"|| | As India gets richer, rural folk are becoming more entwined with the national economy. Ramesh Iyer, the managing director of Mahindra & Mahindra Financial Services, a rural lender, now has 2m customers, twice as many as he had in 2008.|| "As they move up the chain, the demand for credit will only get higher," he says. "They are getting aspirational."|| | |
3 | “它们需要不断学习如何更有效地进行油气生产,以便同大型西方石油公司展开竞争。” | "They’ll need to move up the learning curve to produce oil and gas efficiently enough to compete with the majors. " | |
4 | “中国的汽车制造商们正努力向价值链和品牌定位链的上游进军,”咨询机构JDPower的迈克尔•邓恩(MichaelDunne)表示。 | "Chinese carmakers are trying to move up the value chain and the brand-positioning chain, " says Michael Dunne, of JD Power, a consultancy. | |
5 | 55.1951年5月,美军用155毫米汤姆远程大炮向汉城以北地区轰炸,当时联合国部队正朝撤退的中国军队方向移动。 | 55. A battery of 155mm Long Tom rifles fire north of Seoul in May, 1951, as United Nations troops move up behind withdrawing Chinese. | |
6 | GRUB菜单显示时,可以使用光标移动键在列表中上下移动,选择一个引导映像。 | When the GRUB menu is displayed, you select a boot image using the cursor movement keys to move up and down the list. | |
7 | 被移除对象之后的对象将上移,以占据空出的位置。 | The objects that follow the removed objects move up to occupy the vacated positions. | |
8 | 变更职务往往使任职人有升迁的机会。 | Frequently, the opportunity to change jobs offers workers a chance to move up to a better position. | |
9 | 变量展开后,可以使用键盘上的箭头键进行上移或下移,也可以直接使用鼠标。 | When the variable is expanded, you can use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move up and down (or you can simply use the mouse). | |
10 | 不过,随着IT组织沿着SOA成熟度曲线不断向上移动,治理也变得越来越重要了。 | However, governance is becoming increasingly important as IT organizations move up the SOA maturity curve. | |
11 | 不过在自己的运营设备里,你依然可以根据网速来确定级别的高低。 | You can rely on speeds to move up within your carrier, though. | |
12 | 传教士体位中,他持续抽插时膝部会来回移动。 | While in the missionary position have him move up on his knees while he continues to thrust. | |
13 | 从小的演说开始,然后通过用户的推荐让自己一点一点爬上去。 | Start with smaller venues, then use your recommendations from those to move up the ladder. | |
14 | 单击“上移”,直到“产品子类别”实体显示在Name属性的下面。 | Click Move up until the Product Subcategory entity appears below the Name attribute. | |
15 | 但是,将使用tempNode变量在导航结构中递归上移。 | However, the tempNode variable will be used to recursively move up the navigation structure. | |
16 | 但是如果你想上进的话,那么你肯定就需要更广泛的技能了。 | But if you want to move up -- or over -- you’ll definitely need a broader range of skills. | |
17 | 但是他们多半的想通过整合全世界的技术和优势来提升自身的价值链。 | But mostly they want to move up the value chain, mixing and matching skills and advantages from all over the world. | |
18 | 但销售收入不是衡量农贸公司业绩表现的良好指标,因为它们业绩基本上是随着农产品价格的波动而起伏的。 | However, sales are a poor indicator of a trader’s performance as they move up and down roughly in line with the price of commodities. | |
19 | 当价格上涨,吊灯止损,掉在趋势的最高点,也上涨。 | As prices move up , the Chandelier Exit, suspended from the highest point of that trend, also rises. | |
20 | 而直到最近,学生借款人只能选择浮动利率贷款,这种贷款的利率变动可按月计算。 | Until recently, student borrowers could only choose the latter, where interest rates can move up and down as often as each month. | |
21 | 房价将会上涨,房市将会恢复。 | Housing prices would move up , and housing sales would revive. | |
22 | 分析人士认为,政府施压企业提升价值链不仅是基于经济原因,也基于政治考量。 | The government is pressing companies to move up the value chain for economic, but also political reasons, analysts say. | |
23 | 该建筑主塔外形类似一棵大树,附有8个移动的观景台,能够像树叶一样在“树干”上上下浮动。 | The main building is designed to resemble a tree with 8 floating observatories that move up and down like leaves on their branches. | |
24 | 跟在所移除项之后的各访问控制项上移以占据空出的点。 | The access control entries that follow the removed item move up to occupy the vacated spot. | |
25 | 后面油田中的油泵来回运转,就如节拍器一般恪守时间。 | Out in the fields the oil pumps move up and down, like metronomes keeping time. | |
26 | 华为逐步发展,在网络设备上得以与爱立信抗衡,中兴则希望在手机上“步步高升”。 | As Huawei goes up against Ericsson in network equipment, ZTE hopes to move up in handsets. | |
27 | 或者,或许销售部门希望在大型销售活动之前建立新流程,而这可能会大幅度缩短部署时间。 | Or, perhaps sales wants the new process established before the big sales event, which could move up your deployment dates substantially. | |
28 | 或者您这一年风光无限,准备将您的座驾升级到那些可触摸式的、华贵的、尽显身份的一款? | Or perhaps you had a good year and feel you’re ready to move up to something with a touch of style, luxury or class? | |
29 | 假设您排在1号付款台前的长队中,您可以粗略地估算出大概需要多久时间才能排到自己付款。 | Suppose you are in a long line at checkout counter 1 -- you can roughly guess how long it would take to move up in that line. | |
30 | 她表示,与此同时,杜克企业教育学院必须提升自己在企业客户心目中的地位。 | At the same time Duke CE needs to move up the organisations of client companies, she says. |